Vegan cake challenge

It was my uncle’s 80th birthday last week. Let me start by saying that this seems absolutely insane because Uncle D looks younger than a lot of people in their fifties and pretty much everyone in their sixties or seventies. I work with a sixty year old and he looks way older than my uncle!…

After the calm…

So I made it all the way through NaBloPoMo and so I had a few days off blogging. Phew! Somehow when you don’t blog for a few days, you find it hard to remember what you did… or is that just me?! Fortunately, I’m a photo taking addict so I can look back and jog…

Reblog: 12. Beau

I love this post! “We all have friends in our lives that change us forever. You know, the kind of friend who sticks by you through thick and thin, through the good, the bad, and the ugly. The friend whose mere presence causes a change to occur, as if they were the missing piece to…

Family and chickens (and Dog)

This weekend I went to see my parents. They live a while away – a few hours – and it took a couple of train rides and a car ride to get there. I took Dog, because I don’t like to leave him.  The main reason I went to see them is because T was…

This crazy life

I’m going to a christening. I have to go, because it’s for my niece. And I feel generally okay about it. It’s been long enough since I miscarried (last July) that I’ve settled back down into my old identity of Childless Me.  For my sister, who miscarried a few months after I did, also as…

People with kids are so entitled

My friend (used to be a real life friend – now fb friend since she cancelled dinner on me the day she found out she was pregnant… I haven’t seen her physically ever again and she’s now on baby #2) just posted on fb advocating a reduced hours working week. The video was all about…

The language of adoption

I’m working my way through the myriad of questions I asked on this post around adoption and how it feels to be adopted, infertile, and so on, so here’s the latest… The language of adoption, and what do you call your family members? One of the things that made me think about this was MPB’s post Mom….

Did my parents love me less?

I asked the question in my previous post… As someone who was adopted, who has siblings who were not adopted – Did my parents love me less? This is a thorny one. Short answer: I am not sure love is quantitative. I think it’s qualitative. They loved me differently. Not more, not less. They loved me…

Adoption thoughts 2: questions

I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while, but I never seem to find the right words. So thought I might as well kick it off and blether on and see where it takes me! Warning: I type quickly and I’m a bit verbose. Sorry about that. A thought on (in)fertility and adoption…