It never rains…

So a quick update because you can’t even imagine what has happened in the past 24 hours. Thank you to everyone who sent get well wishes for B. He does seem slightly better.  Story update (cut and pasted so you know some of this!) After much faffing (GP to make an appointment then the actual…

The first trial…

Poor little B is in hospital. It started with snuffles last night and he cried all through the night. It sounded like he had a blocked nose so was having difficulty feeding which is what usually settles him.  Also the night before I ended up starting antibiotics as my caesarean scar seems to have gotten…

Heart stopped

Over the last 24 hours, the hearts of two people I know stopped. One of them, my mother-in-law’s, started again. She lived to fight another day. Whilst I was in the hospital with my father-in-law and sister-in-law, and T was making his way home, unbeknownst to me, my relative’s heart stopped. The contrast was stark….