The first trial…


Poor little B is in hospital. It started with snuffles last night and he cried all through the night. It sounded like he had a blocked nose so was having difficulty feeding which is what usually settles him. 

Also the night before I ended up starting antibiotics as my caesarean scar seems to have gotten infected, so he seemed unsettled then as well – I googled it and apparently antibiotics can give them tummy ache. I felt really bad but was told to continue to take the antibiotics. But this was nothing compared with his blocked nose and crying. 

So between us we are in the wars. I don’t feel terrible with the scar, but it was starting to hurt when it previously hadn’t hurt, and was making me worried it might get worse. So I ended up waiting a long time in hospital to get it checked out and they gave me antibiotics. 

Then yesterday T had a routine endoscopy so we waited another long time in hospital. He has one once a year to check out his digestion. It was all clear but he has a big bruise from the IV. 

Then today I decided to take B to the GP as he was still snorting and snuffling in the morning. I figured it was a cold but don’t know what you can do for a three week old baby so thought I would ask. 

The GP reception said to come back in the afternoon so I duly took B to the coffee shop where I had some breakfast, and then home for a brief sojourn with Dog, and then back to the GP. 

After waiting a longer time, I then saw the GP and he was quite abrupt, verging on rude. Mainly because I didn’t hear him calling for us and apparently he called five times. Well I think they call B’s name rather than mine so I’m not clued in to answer to it. And also he was over the other side of the room. Anyway. 

He was horrified when he saw the video I’d taken of B snuffling. I did a few so I could show them what was going on. He said to take him to A&E. I was surprised as I had thought it was a cold and not too serious but he told me to go to the hospital. 

So… I got the bus to the hospital. (T is back at work and I’m not allowed to drive post c section.) Waited at A&E and then went to children’s triage. Then got sent to the children’s ward. Got B hooked up to the monitor where they check his heart rate. It was a little high for their liking but his temperature was okay. T arrived from work. 

They kept him on the monitor for a few hours. T went home to walk Dog. (Poor Dog! I felt so guilty as only expected to be at the GP for about an hour.)

The doc said she thought he had bronchiolitis which is apparently very common. It means he has some swelling or fluid in the lungs. Because they can’t blow their nose or whatever it makes them miserable and can interfere with feeding. 

Anyway as B had been in the sling since the morning, he was less snuffly, I think because he was more upright. The doc said she could discharge him or keep him in overnight and monitor him. That he doesn’t need treatment now but if anything gets worse then to bring him in. 

Apparently they weren’t too worried as he was feeding well. She asked about sleeping and I said he had not slept well last night. Also that he prefers to sleep on my chest. But obviously I know co sleeping can be dangerous. She said when he has this that co sleeping was the most dangerous and definitely not to do it. 

Also I asked as I was really worried it might be an allergy to Dog. Which would just kill me. But she said it was most likely a viral infection and unlikely to be dog allergy. Thank goodness. I figure he didn’t have it when he came home for the first three weeks so hopefully we won’t have to deal with that. 

I wasn’t sure what to do but in the end we decided that it was probably better to monitor him. T agreed and he came back to drop some stuff off for me and stayed a while until we got transferred. We are now on the children’s ward and have a private room with a cot for B and a single bed for me to sleep in. His bed is slightly tilted at least so hopefully more comfortable for him. 

B looks so tiny. He’s hooked up to the monitor and so I feel slightly better that I’ll hear it go off if his heart rate goes too high or low. It does beep periodically but the nurse said it would be constant if anything bad happened, which they were not expecting. I have a call button and also an emergency all hands on deck button so I figure B is in the best place. He’s been weirdly completely settled and sleeping peacefully. Perhaps as he slept hardly at all last night. 

It’s B’s 24th night in the outside world and he’s spending it in hospital. 

38 Comments Add yours

  1. I’m so sorry. Get well soon B!


    1. Nara says:

      Thank you. I think mama is more upset than B is! Sleeping more peacefully than he ever has at home! Must be tired from being up all night. I feel I should be a bit more chilled because he has the monitor on. 😔

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sending all my love to B and you too!! I hope he has a calm night and is feeling much better asap!!


    1. Nara says:

      Thank you. He’s super calm and peaceful! The nurse just came to check on him and told me to enjoy it. She said that if he didn’t sleep last night he’s probably just catching up!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Aw im sorry! Feel better soon!


    1. Nara says:

      Thank you! Aside from the drama (see next post!) we are all feeling much better!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Marixsa says:

    Poor lil guy! I hope he gets well very soon.


    1. Nara says:

      Thank you. He does seem to be feeling better now. Thank goodness!


  5. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this! Poor little guy! Poor parents! Looks like he is getting really good care. Thinking of you all and big bear hugs sent your way.


    1. Nara says:

      Thank you. We are back home now and had a relatively normal day! X

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Nara says:

      Thanks! Back home now. Phew!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Amy M. says:

    Oh no! I’m glad the Dr didn’t think it was anything too horrible. Sorry you’re both spending the night at the hospital. Hopefully it will be uneventful, and you’ll get home tomorrow with him feeling much better. Sending healing thoughts!!


    1. Nara says:

      Ha! It was eventful- see my later post – but we are back home and fine now, thank goodness!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. She-Ra says:

    Poor little dear! It sounds like he is in good hands. Sending positive thoughts your way for a speedy recovery!


    1. Nara says:

      Thank you! We are back home now. Phew!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. EmilyMaine says:

    Poor little dude and poor mummy. I don’t know if you recall but we were in hospital with BeeGee at 9 days old. It is all very terrifying and strange at the time but he is in the best hands possible and I’m sure he will be absolutely fine. Freaked me right out though when it was me. Hugs 🤗🤗


    1. Nara says:

      Thank you! Yes it was a bit weird but we are all feeling better today. Was a bit eventful but we are back home now, thank goodness. Everything feels better at home! It must have felt so terrifying with BeeGee. X


  9. Oh Sweetie, I’m so sorry B’s not well. Praying he feels better very soon and you both get some rest!


    1. Nara says:

      Thank you. We are much better! Phew!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. oh no, poor little guy! Hope he recovers quickly and can come home soon


    1. Nara says:

      Thanks, we only stayed one night (eventful!!) and thankfully home now! Hope I don’t see another hospital for a while.


  11. Wishing B a speedy recovery!


    1. Nara says:

      Thank you – he’s a bit better thankfully. Still snotty!


  12. meandmycrazywomb says:

    Zylan had bronchiolitis. It was the most terrifying experience I ever went though. But he’s recovered quickly. Babies are so resilient. These awful viruses just help strengthen their immune system. Don’t fret if it seems to worsen a bit. It often peaks around day 5/6. B is in the best place. You did so well handing it. Praying for a speedy recovery xxxxxx


    1. Nara says:

      Thank you. That’s good to know (not about Zylan having bronchiolitis but about him getting better). The doc said it might get worse before it gets better. I hope not as it seems to be getting better. Xx

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Aw no poor the both of you! Do hope you both get better soon!


    1. Nara says:

      Thank you! We are on the mend I hope!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Oh poor B, it’s so scary when they are so little and in hospital. Hope he’s out soon. For when he just has a cold and not this bronchiolitis, you want to get yourself a nasal aspirator and some baby saline nasal spray (they have the spray in boots). Both great at helping clear their noses.

    Also if you look online there are plenty of resources that tell you co sleeping IS safe IF you do it right (are breastfeeding, baby is on side not in middle between you and your partner, you are not a smoker, on drugs/alcohol etc..). There are of course some awful stories you hear, but it is also standard practice in many many countries. Some health care people in this country are just over zealous about it I think. When I was in hospital with EJ they wouldn’t let us co-sleep but were fine if I sat holding him in my arms to sleep, which was way more dangerous if I were to nod off to sleep myself and my arms had dropped and he rolled out or anything. So totally ridiculous which I told them. I’ve also met mum’s who were in hospital and where the staff were fine with co-sleeping (done right), so it does differ around the country.


    1. Nara says:

      Thank you! You were right! I went to Boots as didn’t want to wait for Amazon delivery and managed to get Snufflebabe stuff. I got saline drops which have seemed to help. Have the aspirator but so far haven’t used it as he’s upset enough about the drops and he does seem to be getting better. Here’s hoping.
      Yeah I agree about co sleeping. We have kind of done it partly (usually when I fall asleep and he’s on me) but I just feel so bad about it when you know you’re not supposed to do it! He does seem to be taking more to his cot (side sleeper) and given Dog sleeps in bed, I think it’s best to try and keep him mainly in the cot. Although Dog tries to avoid the noise mainly so doesn’t seem overly interested! I did end up co sleeping in hospital his second night as he wouldn’t sleep without me!


  15. Savannah Mae says:

    Oh sweet baby B. Get better soon little one


    1. Nara says:

      Thank you! He does seem to be feeling better and a bit less snuffly!

      Liked by 1 person

  16. RJ says:

    Get well soon little B!


    1. Nara says:

      Thank you! He does seem to be a bit better so hopefully all going well.


  17. Poor little boy how awful! Hope you all feel better soon. I had to take two lots of antibiotics and it made my baby very distressed but as you say you have to take them. Pity they can’t make antibiotics suitable for breastfeeding. Take care


    1. Nara says:

      Thank you. Did you find they made your baby grouchy? B seems quite cantankerous but I figure he’s also ill. Did your bub feel better as soon as you’d finished them? They always say they’re suitable but it would be better not to have to take them.


      1. Yes she was very grouchy, basically crying all day. I had mastitis so I had to take them. It was the maternal health nurse who picked up that it may have been the medication. But my bub has been sick throughout ( cow and soy milk allergy) I think the medication just made things worse. Hope you’re home now


      2. Nara says:

        Yeah we are home. Ah, B had been super grouchy but I figured it was maybe the bronchiolitis. Although he didn’t sleep much the first night I took the antibiotics and he wasn’t ill then. It was really unlike him as he’s a reasonable sleeper. I hope he is okay once I stop the antibiotics. Sorry you had mastitis – sounds really painful. And poor little one with the milk allergies! Bless her.

        Liked by 1 person

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