This is happening to adoptees in the US


If you are in the USA and you haven’t heard about the case of Adam Crapser, you need to read this. If you are an adoptive parent or a prospective adoptive parent, you need to read this.

Adoptees brought in from other countries to be the sons and daughters of American citizens have been denied the rights of Americans. They are being deported “back” to countries they were taken from as children, not knowing the language, away from the only families they’ve ever known. The case of Adam Crapser isn’t an isolated one. He is just one of the victims of the US system that places inter-country adoptees below the rights of citizens. In limbo, until something comes up on a check and they realise they’re not a citizen of the country they grew up in, after all.

America should be ashamed.

More here:

26 Comments Add yours

  1. sewingbutterfly says:

    That is dreadful!!


    1. Nara says:

      I know. It is the most in-your-face obvious acknowledgment that adoptees do NOT have normal human rights.

      Also, in Adam Crapser’s case, he got a criminal record because he was adopted by a couple who abused him (since criminally charged with child abuse) and threw him out, and he broke into their house to try and get back his possessions that he’d been sent with from Korea – including a Korean bible. I find this horrifying.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I just read about his story, and others like it, yesterday and I was horrified. I had no idea there were so many people in situations like that, and shame on their “parents” for creating such a disaster. I truly hope they’re able to stay.


    1. Nara says:

      It’s something like 35,000 adult adoptees and I’m amazed that Americans don’t seem to be bothered about it.

      Adam Crapser has been held in a detention centre for 9 months and is going to be deported. It has happened to others too! Nobody seems to be batting an eyelid.


      1. It breaks my heart for him, and his children. I think the problem is, Americans have no idea this is an issue. And, well, a small minority of Americans don’t want any “immigrants” here at all (don’t even get me started on that) so they probably wouldn’t care.

        But I think most rational people here would agree they should be allowed citizenship, not deportation. I hope the increased news coverage gets them the attention they deserve.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Nara says:

        In the last article I read (the Guardian one I think I posted a link to) it says his wife and kids are going to move to Korea. But I think it is very inhumane to make someone move somewhere that is not their home country, just on the basis they were born there. I can’t imagine what it would be like for me if I had to move back to my country of birth. I can’t speak the language at all.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Arwen says:

    What an awful story. Shame on all those involved. That poor man and his family.


    1. Nara says:

      I can’t believe that a supposedly civilised country would do this. If you’re adopted, you’re supposed to have all the rights of a normal citizen. I do… but thousands of adoptees in the USA don’t. It’s horrific.


  4. RJ says:

    I was horrified to read this article the other day. I don’t understand at all how this is ok and allowed.


    1. Nara says:

      I’m shocked that Clinton closed the legal loophole (in 2000 I think) but left out all adult adoptees at that time. It means adoptees who through no fault of their own had parents who didn’t naturalise them are lacking the basic rights of citizenship from their adopted country. It’s not like they chose to go to the US! They were babies and little kids!


  5. Courtney says:

    I am appalled that any judge would think this is ok. Major abuse of power. And now, I must repost this on FB because I have an old college friend who was adopted during this time from Korea along with her brother.


    1. Nara says:

      I saw you posted on FB. Thanks! I can’t believe more Americans do not know about this. It is a human rights violation!


  6. That’s truly horrific 😦


    1. Nara says:

      I know, and it’s getting very little press or outrage. I was adopted from a different country and I’m a British citizen. Even if I committed a crime, I still couldn’t be deported from the UK because it is considered my home. I was horrified that it wasn’t the same for all inter country adoptees.


      1. That’s completely shocking. I had no idea.


      2. Nara says:

        It’s real and happening! 35,000 adult adoptees at risk. Crazy.


  7. I find this story hard to understand. One of the first steps for internationally adopting parents is to apply for citizenship for their kids. That this man had the awful experience of being given over to such unsuitable adoptive parents seems to be the origin of his problems.
    As you know, I am currently going through the process of getting my daughters’ American (and dual) citizenship certified, even though they have never lived in the States. It’s a long process with a lot of paperwork, but there is little risk that the application will be denied. The Hague convention supposedly guarantees that adopted children have equal treatment under the law as biological ones. The Child Citizenship Act of 2001 was passed to correct such issues and establish the path toward citizenship in such cases. Those things alone should guarantee that he not be deported. I wonder where the problem is in this particular case.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nara says:

      It’s because the ACA only covered adoptees younger than 18 at that time. So an estimated 35,000 adult (over 18) adoptees were not covered. If their parents didn’t do the necessary paperwork then they couldn’t do it as adults. And if they have any criminal record then they are at risk of deportation even if they have lived in the US for 37 years like Adam Crapser has. His first criminal conviction was for breaking into his adoptive parents’ house to retrieve his property that he’d been sent from Korea with (a Korean bible amongst other things). They had terminated his adoption after abusing him. They were later convicted of sexual and physical abuse. To me that is horrifying that he was let down by them and then by another set of abusive adoptive parents (believe it or not it does happen) and then by the state. He deserves help and compassion, not 9 months in a detention centre and deportation to a country he doesn’t know. And he is just one example. Others have already been deported to their countries of birth.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. This is so awful. I hadn’t caught that part about kids having to be under 18. I thought those older than 18 could apply on their own behalf. I agree something should be done. We need something like a DACA (sic?) for adopted kids.


      2. Nara says:

        Yes, it’s a huge human rights violation and seems really weird from “the leader of the free world”.


  8. Lara/Trace says:

    Very good comments and I appreciate your sharing. ❤


    1. Nara says:

      Thank you. I appreciate the way you highlight adoptee issues even if I don’t comment very often!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lara/Trace says:

        Thank you Nara. Much appreciated! Your blog helps me very much!

        Liked by 1 person

  9. We are ashamed. Hopefully today we can be a tad less ashamed by the end of the day with a signal of small progress politically. I don’t know how things get so convoluted here sometimes!


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