IVF 2: The day after


Thank you everyone for saying such nice things yesterday and wishing me luck for the announcement (or otherwise) to my sister, who’s going through a lot of the same stuff as I am.

I think maybe I was overly worried and thinking she was going to be like me (the sort of person who feels bad/miserable when other people announce their pregnancies) when really she is a lot nicer than I am! I did sort of prepare to talk about it and think how would I introduce it, and thought that she’d probably want to talk about going to see Dr S at some point, probably when we were having dinner.

We planned to meet up in the east and then head towards the Emirates Airline (the cable car sponsored by Emirates that goes across the Thames) and then go to have dinner in a dog friendly pub in Greenwich. Unfortunately for everyone, they left it to me to organise, and I have the worst sense of direction ever, which meant we ended up having to walk a lot further than we wanted to, and ended up having to get a taxi to the pub after going on the cable car because the pub I’d booked dinner in was not close to the end of the cable car at all! T found this hilarious and said I must already have baby brain.

Anyway, it came up organically in conversation so I needn’t have worried. My sister noticed some plasters on my hand (from where I had the intralipids infusion and the two attempts to get the IV in!) and asked what they were, and I told her I’d been to have the IV with Dr S, who she was seeing on Monday, because… I’m pregnant.

She was super happy for me and we ended up having a load of discussions around what to expect, and T and my sis’ partner joined in (they added some funny anecdotes about the “production room” experience) and so we all had a good time.

It was really nice to catch up, Dog was super well behaved (probably tired after the unexpectedly long walk), I’m currently pregnant, and it just felt nice. Like they were genuinely happy for us.

Also I did a little care package for them which was a bag full of IVF anticipation little gifts and a card from the three of us (me, T and Dog) to say good luck with this cycle.

It had:

  • A book of lists – It has different little sticky note pads in as I thought she could use this to write down any notes of meds and also stick reminders up to take them at different times. I always need reminders although I put them in my phone as I am a techno geek.
  • A tin of her favourite gianduja Italian truffle chocolates – You need chocolate during IVF!
  • A light baggy sweater – I find it so hard to find something nice and comfortable to wear when you’re all bloated from meds.
  • A vial of body oil – Just something nice to pamper yourself.
  • A funny pencil case shaped like a watermelon wedge – She loves watermelon. And you need somewhere to put your meds and needles when you’re travelling.

She (and her partner) really liked it and I think it sort of felt like we were saying to them, we are wishing you all the luck for your cycle. Hopefully it made her feel a bit less of a “blow” that I’m [currently] pregnant, although I don’t think I needed to worry as they both seemed genuinely happy for us. I guess also if they’re going to see Dr S then it is hopefully a bit encouraging. (Her partner and T had a joke about quackery, as they are the sceptical ones, but we all agreed that if it works then it’s worth it!) It is nice to talk about all the IVF stuff with people who understand.

I wanted to do a test this morning just because it was a Clearblue one yesterday and I wanted to double check the First Response progression. It looks pretty good! Now I understand that the test line “steals” some dye from the test line as the HCG increases, that’s a bit reassuring.

I also laid them all out so you can see the full progression over a week. The Clearblue one is the official test day one but you can see the left test line getting stronger each day.

I think I can stop testing for a while now. We are now onto what Dani from The Great Pudding Club Hunt called “the enhanced two week wait” – the wait before getting the first scan. Nail biting stuff…

22 Comments Add yours

  1. I love that the line is getting darker! And I adore that your sister seemed to take the news well. I think the little care package was such a thoughtful idea (and I’m not the least bit surprised that you would do that for her, as you are so kind and caring). Hope you are having a happy day my friend. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amy M. says:

    So glad that everyone had a great time while you were with your sister. Also glad that your tests are still going well! Hope the time between now and your scan goes quickly for you! And good luck to your sister on her journey as well!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. mamajo23 says:

    Nara- I have loved reading all this continual good news from you! So glad your sister is so lovely and compassionate and that care package sounds so sweet. Wishing her so much luck too. My twin sis (we both had to do multiple rounds of Ivf) were finally pregnant within 6 months of one another and it was so great to root one another on. Xo

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You and your sister are such kind people: her for being happy for you when she’s suffering herself and you for going out of your way to make a little care package for her when you have so much on your plate right now! It will mean so much to her I’m sure. Hopefully you will both be pregnant, with healthy pregnancies, at the same time x x x

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Courtney says:

    I’m so glad it went so well! And look at that test – so good to go! You are ON YOUR WAY!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Omg no more testing! Very thoughtful gift for your sis 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. countyourselfunlucky says:

    Glad everything continues to go well (especially with your sister). Lovely gift 🙂 I’m sure it will mean so much to her. I’m keeping my digits crossed for you as you wait for your first scan. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Maternally Optimistic says:

    So glad everything’s going so well for you xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  9. EmilyMaine says:

    Oh getting your sis that care package was so sweet and considerate of you. What a lovely thing to do. I hope you days until the scan pass nice and quickly for you! Find a good book to get engrossed in maybe? Xx

    Liked by 1 person

  10. sewingbutterfly says:

    Yay!!! Fingers crossed for you!! I am glad your sister is happy 🙂 I guess if she is going to see the same doc, success stories are exactly what you want to hear! What a lovely gift too. I will be thinking about you guys and I hope you have a great first scan.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I honestly never know what to write in response to the IVF posts. I have no experience in this and don’t understand the significance of most of it. But I like what you say about your sister and how thoughtful you are. I like you. I want you to be happy. I hope so much that things go well.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. TryTryAgain says:

    Brilliant brilliant news all round. Crossing everything for smooth sailing and lovely news at your scan xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  13. RJ says:

    Love the IVF care package idea. I’m glad everything went smoothly. I’m so so excited for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Arwen says:

    That’s a seriously strong looking line lovely, I think you can step away from the pee sticks 😜😉😘xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Arwen says:

      Ps I love the care package you made for your sister, so lovely!! Here’s hoping she’s only a couple of months behind you x

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Yaay! Is it weird that I could look at your pee sticks for hours?! Yes, it’s weird. And so exciting!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Super yay! Though it may be hard to “exhale” worrying about the future, try to be present in the now… because now you’re totally baby-ed!

    Also, that IVF care package was so thoughtful. I wish someone had made one for me, but I can see that it takes someone who has gone through it to pull it off. Should I know someone who at some point is also going down this path, I hope I can come up with something half as nice.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Yay! First, HUGE congrats to you my friend and best of luck in the 2nd two week wait!! I cannot wait to read the continued good news!! Also, how kind of you to bring that sweet IVF package to your sister…you understand and it is very refreshing when so many do not put themselves in others shoes…but you get it 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week!!! I’ll be thinking of you!! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  18. It looks “pretty good”…?! It looks freaking amazing!!! I’m glad things went so well with your sister and it looks like you guys had a great time.

    Baby brain. 🙂 It’s so great to hear that from you.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Ahhhhhh!!!! Look at those lines!!!!! Love it!!!!! I’m glad everything worked out with sis!!!!! So very happy for you!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. babyyesno says:

    I have just read your pregnant! I am super happy for you and I have my fingers crossed that everything goes well for the enhanced two week wait. What fantastic news 😊


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