Happy turkey day


Sneaking into NaBloPoMo today with a bit of long overdue baking. I haven’t really made anything much since we moved to our new place, but T works for an American firm where they do pot luck. (We don’t really do this in the UK – the only time I’ve ever experienced it was when I was on a work trip to the US for thanksgiving. I loved it for the food and friendship side and not so much the problematic history.) T outsourced his contribution last year to me, and I’m kind of competitive when it comes to baking, so apparently the turkey cake caused a stir.

This year, despite having not much time and being quite a lot pregnant, T’s coworkers were asking what he was bringing (what I was baking and whether it would be as good as the turkey cake). He said don’t worry about it, but that’s like a red rag to a bull as far as I’m concerned.

Here’s tonight’s efforts… Enjoy! (Everything is piped out of vanilla buttercream onto vanilla cupcakes.)

Hopefully they’ll like them!

33 Comments Add yours

  1. whymeivf says:

    Wowzer! Just seen the turkey cake too- you are very skilled!! Have you considered selling your creations?


    1. Nara says:

      Ha! I do have a slight side hobby and occasionally get commissions. But it’s more of a hobby than a business as it has to be fitted in between working! And sadly unless it’s a wedding cake / big cake, you can’t make much money out of it!


  2. whymeivf says:

    Btw I am in the US – ppl would go mad for your turkey cake collection!!


    1. Nara says:

      Aww thanks!


  3. You never stop amazing me!!! I want to hop on a plane, crash T’s work potluck and try one!!! 😊


    1. Nara says:

      Hah! Apparently there were none left over!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am not at all surprised!!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. hazzeltoz says:

    That is amazing. I went to Costco and bought pies. That was the extent of my “baking” today. 🙂


    1. Nara says:

      I like your style!!


  5. pinksnow78 says:

    Amazing!! X


    1. Nara says:

      Thanks! 😊


  6. EmilyMaine says:

    Wow!!! You’ve got skills.


    1. Nara says:

      *blows on fingers* (what does that even mean?!)


  7. These are fab! Well done!x


    1. Nara says:

      Thanks! 😊


  8. I still remember last year’s cake pictures and how the cutting of the cake was a bit gruesome looking. :)! This year I picture a similar but more individual savagery. Do we slowly de-plume the bird around the edges first, leaving only a wormy thing to finish off, or do we go for full out decapitation on the first bite? Personally, I am for pardoning the whole lot no matter how delicious they surely are.


    1. Nara says:

      Haha! I think it’s less gory as cupcakes and apparently they went down a treat! Nobody wanted to “murder” turkey last year!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. mum100blog says:

    Absolutely love this. Now send me some please!


    1. Nara says:

      Haha! You’re actually moderately close compared to most people! But I don’t think they’d survive even local post! 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Those are amazing! I’m half American but we aren’t really doing thanksgiving this year unfortunately, due to various reasons.


    1. Nara says:

      Ah, sorry you don’t get thanksgiving. I know a lot of people have an issue with it because of the history… I like the concept as a secular holiday (like Christmas!) but I haven’t grown up with it. We don’t really have it in England unless you’re American!


      1. Usually we have a family and/or friends get together, although often on the weekend after thanksgiving, but not this year. I had homemade pumpkin soup for lunch yesterday though, and we had a nice wine and chocolate cake at dinner, since it was thanksgiving 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  11. gwenniesgardenworld says:

    you are gloing to be so popular with your husband collegues !!! they look awesome !!!


    1. Nara says:

      Thanks!! Apparently they liked them!


      1. gwenniesgardenworld says:

        otherwise I would have !

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Nara says:

      ☺️ Thanks!


    1. Nara says:

      Thanks!! 😊


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