America :(

There are no words. So I’ll leave you with these for today.   “First they came for the Communists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Communist.   Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist.   Then they…

Do the right thing, America

A post I wrote on a transracial adoption discussion group a few days ago. Seems pertinent today… I work in an American company (even though I’m in the UK) and I know people who are intending on voting for Trump. It genuinely scares me that a country I love, holiday in and where I have…

In pictures (and some words): NYC roundup 

Finally catching up and I can reassure the faint hearted among you that this is my last holiday post! Normal infertility-adoption-random-blethering will be resumed shortly… 😉 This is the final installment in our gripping saga* – previous installments are here: Pre take off Magic Kingdom Animal Kingdom Be Our Guest dinner Hollywood Studios and Disney…

In pictures: Food Tours of NY

Some of you may have noticed that I’m a little… umm… preoccupied with food. We are back from our hol now so I’m playing catch up on the holiday. Not much more to go apart from NYC, and then we can get back to talking about boring stuff like my infertility (joke! It’s fascinating, as…

In pictures: Washington DC

We went through to DC for a few days as we have friends there. It was a flying trip but great fun. I last went there as a child and I barely remember it so I enjoyed seeing another non NYC American city. It’s very historic by US standards but a bit younger by UK…

In pictures: Orlando roundup 

For the last couple of days in Orlando we ended up having a bit of downtime – mainly because T had sprained his toe(!) somehow and couldn’t walk very far so the parks would have been difficult during the day. We had already planned for a shopping day so we hit the outlets and the…

In pictures: Epcot Food and Wine festival

I loved Epcot! We managed to land right in the middle of their annual Food and Wine festival… Some might call this serendipity! We also went on the rides. Epcot is more of an experienced based park rather than ride based so it’s more about visiting the different “countries” and exploring those. Nevertheless we enjoyed…

In pictures: Hollywood Studios and Disney Springs

A packed day at Hollywood Studios! It was great fun. There are lots of shows as well as some great rides like the Tower of Terror and Rock n Rollercoaster. We then had VIP dining package for Fantasmic – a great meal at the Hollywood Brown Derby (highly recommended) meaning guaranteed centre stage seats for…

In pictures: Be Our Guest dinner 

The coveted dinner at Be Our Guest (the Beauty and the Beast themed castle experience in the Magic Kingdom, probably the hardest reservation to get as it is the only chance to meet the Beast).  After breakfast and lunch on the first full day, we were lucky enough (persistent enough – T found the reservation…